The Role of Patent Trademark Attorney
A patent Trademark attorney is one who masters in dealing with trademark cases. A trademark is a unique sign used by company, organization or other legal entity to distinguish its products or services to consumers. Trademark infringement is an offense and often requires legal actions. Some large companies appoint trademark lawyers to deal with trademark problems.
The function of a trade mark attorney is vast. He has to advise the company in selecting new trademarks. New trademarks should be selected carefully so that they will not violate the exclusive rights of any other company. They also help in filing and prosecuting registered trademarks and patents. He will help in completing the trademark application procedure. He should also advise the company on trademark infringement issues.
Trademark law is a tricky area of law that involves many unique principles and requirements. Therefore a trademark attorney must be well versed with all rules and regulations relating to the law. He will pay individual attention to your trademark matters. Before filing the application the trade mark attorney will check for any error in the form.
Descriptive Marks: These are the ones which describe the products or services offered. For example, something like "honey coated flakes" would be a descriptive trademark. Normally, trademark lawyers could advice you against these, because one descriptive trademark could bear similarities with various others catering to the same product category. However, entrepreneurs are sometimes prepared to brave the difficulties because of the advertising advantages associated with such descriptive connotations.
Suggestive Marks: Suggestive trademarks are the ones which make an indirect reference to the products and services. For example, something like "Quick Bites" could be used for a snacking item, "Jaguar" for an automobile brand, "Leg Ins" for an apparel industrialized company and so on. These are more preferred choices with respect to uniqueness when compared to descriptive marks.
Arbitrary Marks: Arbitrary trademarks could be highly ideal for defense purposes. These are commonly used English words which can be used for unrelated products. For example, "Apple" for computers is what an arbitrary trademark is. However, the concept would change with respect to the products they represent. For example, the mark "apple" when used for a fruit exporter, would become a descriptive trademark.
The Chipperson Law Group, P.C. is the popular trademark patent law company. They provide the best lawyers for both small and large firms. They offer you the experienced and specialized skilled worker. To know more about us please visit our website.